The sundial in the ancient town of Valvasone

The sundial in the ancient town of Valvasone

A reminder that nothing is precious like time!

The sundial in the ancient town of Valvasone during the #italiagrandsketchingtour.

Another small city that I decided to visit was Valvasone. It is also in the list of the most beautiful Italian towns. I visited the city around, and it was another trip to the past. The wonderful Cathedral, the Venetian style palaces from the 15th -17th century and this atmosphere of peace that permeates the historical center.

In the main square, the Castle square, I painted this view of the well and the arches on the back but my main subject was actually the sundial on Palazzo Gandini, that reads: “Nihil tempore pretiosus”. Nothing is precious like time!

What a reminder of our temporary presence on earth and how important it is to make every moment of this life counts. It is funny, how a small phrase on a wall, written hundreds of years ago, can give you clarity. That is exactly what I mean, by being open to learn. Our mind is constantly wondering, but it is so fulfilling when we guide her to wonder in the right direction. To wonder on the path of joy. 

So Valvasone for me will always be the city that reminded me to take care of time, because Nothing is precious like time.

Title of the painting ‘The sundial in the ancient town of Valvasone’

This is a painting from the Italia Grand Sketching Tour Collection, a series of original ink and watercolor paintings done on location during my tour to discovery the  marvelous Italian heritage. All paintings are also available as numbered and originally signed prints.

The painting is also featured in the book about my motorbike Italian tour. By acquiring this work you will get to know better Italy also thanks to a personalized story about this place that I will include in the package.

Painting information:

  • Watercolor and ink on white paper
  • Size 19 x 28.5 cm (7.5 x 11.2 inches)
  • Shipped in a box
  • Certificate of authenticity will be sent with the painting

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