Get To Know Me

Beauty, Creativity and Love is my Lifestyle


From office to watercolors and brushes

I’m Chiara Gomiselli and in the last years I’ve been working to create the life of my dreams. All started in 2019, when from my corporate job I decided to change my direction and follow my passions of travelling and painting. I decided to transform my dreams into projects and then into reality.

I love to share my artworks and my achievements and I hope to insipire you to go searching for your dreams and make them real, because we live in a world that, like never before, enable us to make those dreams come true.

I follow my heart through my art, and I hope to show people that it is possible to do it.

My dream, my project, my life

Vincere lo stress con l'acquerello

I moved my first artistic steps in the world of Urban Sketching and I love the idea of showing the world one drawing at a time and the idea of telling stories and experiences through those artworks.

I moved forward in my artistic journey with a Maestro that taught me that art can be the instrument that can bring humanty forward in its development, by showing possible solutions and by bringing beauty and peacefulness into the world. What I want to express is the idea that beauty is everywhere and that if we look deeply we have so much to be grateful for.

I dream a world in which people are not afraid to be creative, where everyone knows that it is possible for everyone to communicate through art because Art is a human need. I dream a world where artists are considered visionaries that support the growth of humanity, instead of outsiders misunderstood. I dream a world in which art (in every form) is part of everyday life for everyone.

The form you have selected does not exist.

My Values


Be joyful, Be human

Joy is human nature and my goal is to learn to experience it every day.


Give me peace

Love means letting go of fear and having faith that everything will be ok.


Moves the world

The world is my playground and curiosity is the spice that makes life exciting.


Fullfill the potential

Creating something every day – an idea, a connection, a painting.


Be myself, be free

Through authenticity I can feel free and let others be themselves too.

My Community


The Community for those who love:






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Surprises will never be lacking!

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