The Hermitage of San Colombano

The Hermitage of San Colombano

The monastery in the rock near Rovereto

The Hermitage of San Colombano during the #italiagrandsketchingtour.

On my way to Rovereto, I read there was a mysterious hermitage built in the rock, hanging on the valley created by the Leno stream. It is a place of ancient history and I decided I had to stop to see it. Unfortunately I couldn’t drive all the way to visit it, but this way it made it to my list of coming back places.

The legend says that San Colombano came here to kill the dragon that was killing all the kids of the valley and therefore saved the community that to remember the gesture created a group of hermits that move to live in the cave in the rock above the valley. The first written testimonial is an engraving dating 743 aC.

The first construction started between the 10th and 11th Century and grew through the history. In the middle of the 18th century the hermitage was closed and the place was abandoned. Fortunately in 1996 the province of Trento took charge of the restoration and management of this place, that is nowadays visible thanks to a group of volunteers. Inside the complex there are frescoes and historical pieces that are definitely worth a visit.

San Colombano, see you next time!

Title of the painting ‘The Hermitage of San Colombano’

This is a painting from the Italia Grand Sketching Tour Collection, a series of original ink and watercolor paintings done on location during my tour to discovery the  marvelous Italian heritage. All paintings are also available as numbered and originally signed prints.

The painting is also featured in the book about my motorbike Italian tour. By acquiring this work you will get to know better Italy also thanks to a personalized story about this place that I will include in the package.

Painting information:

  • Watercolor and ink on white paper
  • Size 19 x 28.5 cm (7.5 x 11.2 inches)
  • Shipped in a box
  • Certificate of authenticity will be sent with the painting

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