The Cathedral of San Nicola in Lecco

The Cathedral of San Nicola in Lecco

The Church facing the Como Lake

The Cathedral of San Nicola in Lecco during the #italiagrandsketchingtour.

After the pause, I reached the city of Lecco. Sometimes there are places that you don’t get along with straight away. They have to be discovered slowly and you have to search deeper to get the right feeling.

For me it happened once I got to the long lake of Como that is absolutely breathtaking and I really enjoyed visiting the historical center during the time of the aperitivo. I drew the Cathedral of San Nicola which I really liked, leaving the rest of the beauties of Lecco for a next visit. 

A first church was built here in the 13th Century, but many changes were made during the years, to arrive to the shape that the Basilica has nowadays. Quite recently, in the 18th Century, it acquired its Neoclassical style, with the columns and the timpano. 

Interesting enough, the bell tower was erected at the site of one of the turrets in the medieval walls of the city, razed during the 19h century, and this explain the particular style of the construction that is totally different from the rest of the church. Also, with its 96 meters, it is one of the highest bell towers of the whole Italy.

Title of the painting ‘The Cathedral of San Nicola in Lecco’

This is a painting from the Italia Grand Sketching Tour Collection, a series of original ink and watercolor paintings done on location during my tour to discovery the  marvelous Italian heritage. And my adventures are narrated in the “Italia Grand Sketching Tour” book, available in Italian and in English.

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